Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area. (Credit: Kiwanis International)
The nonprofiit's mission is to brighten lives of at-risk girls to show them they are loved.
Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area, a community partner of Morgan Log House in Towamencin Township, is now collecting donations to support Dress a Girl Around the World.
Dress a Girl Around The World delivers dresses to girls in need, according to the Club. They provide hope for at-risk girls to show them that they are loved by God.
The Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area accepts the following, which will be sent to the charity:
If you would like to donate, reach out to Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area Board President Eileen Gutshall at
According to its website, Dress A Girl Around the World is a campaign and program under Iowa-based nonprofit Hope 4 Women International. The nonprofit, launched n 2006, is a nondenominational independent Christian organization.
Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area is a chapter of Kiwanis International. It is dedicated to helping children around the world and local clubs look out for their respective communities. The international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty, according to its wbsite.
Additional board directors and officers include Past-President Michelle Kilmer, Secretary and PR/Social Media Manager Michelle Kilmer, Recording Secretary/Membership Director Barbara Jones, and Treasurers Jane McCann and Marion Lynch.
Kiwanis Club of Collegeville Area also sponsors the Little Free Library outside the Dollar Tree in the Audubon Village Shopping Center.
According to Kiwanis International, it was founded in 1915 in Detroit, MI, The organization was originally called the Supreme Lodge Benevolent Order of Brothers.
In 1916, the name changed to Kiwanis, which was selected by the organization’s founders based on their understanding that the word was translatable to “we build” from the Algonquian Native American language family. Kiwanis became an international organization with the founding of the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, according to its website.