(Credit: Montgomery County)
This plan will address numerous challenges, including equity, sustainability, housing affordability, economic development, and environmental resiliency.
There are two weeks left to give your input and feedback into a majority of topics as part of Montgomery County's 2050 Comprehensive Plan.
Montco 2050: A Comprehensive Plan for A Changing World will help guide county decisions and policies on housing, transportation, land use, and other necessary investments in the successful future growth of the county. These policies will influence how and where we grow over the next 25 years. It is our goal to create a more equitable, livable, and resilient county for today's residents and future generations.
This plan will address numerous challenges, including equity, sustainability, housing affordability, economic development, and environmental resiliency. It will also be a plan that touches upon the work that other county departments and partners undertake.
We've compiled a fair amount of information toward this plan already. Trend reports, which are a summary of the changes we've seen occur in the last ten years, are available online and we've made additional maps and data available at this online map hub.
It will build upon our current comprehensive plan, Montco 2040: A Shared Vision. This plan provides an overall framework for local municipalities as well as structure for the county. The plan contains three major themes: Connected Communities, Sustainable Places, and Vibrant Economy. Montgomery County Today was compiled to be a background document of information and resources to inform the creation of the policy plan.
For more information on comprehensive planning in Pennsylvania, the Governor's Center for Local Government Services has compiled an excellent overview on the topic, available here.