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Students and teachers held a ribbon cutting at the Methacton school Wednesday morning.

WATCH: Arrowhead Elementary's first-ever Book Vending Machine promotes literacy, positive reinforcement

Photo by James Short.

  • Schools

A new vending machine in the hallways of Methacton's Arrowhead Elementary School does not dispense sodas or snacks, but rather paperbacks.

And it will not work with quarters or dollars either -- Positive reinforcements and good deeds are the tokens for the free books.

On Wednesday afternoon, students and teachers at the Kindergarten-to-fourth-grade Collegeville school celebrated a new resource for literacy and youth empowerment with a ribbon cutting for the new Book Vending Machine. 

Families of the school were able to raise more than $50,000 through the nonprofit home & school association to make the book vending machine possible. 

Students can earn tokens to choose any book that interests them in the vending machine through positive behaviors, good citizenship, and a strong work ethic. 

According to Methacton Communications Coordinator Amanda Kelly, the book vending machine empowers young readers and provides access to a wide selection of children's books to fuel imaginations.

While also encouraging a passion for reading, the vending machine is now another tool in the district's multifaceted resources focused on literacy.

    By James Short   
    By James Short   
    By James Short   
    By James Short  




James Short

James “Jimmy James” Short is a talented, self-taught photographer with over a decade of experience in photography and videography. A North Penn High School graduate, Jimmy has worked as a freelancer for various local and regional media outlets before joining North Penn Now and Wissahickon Now.


Tony Di Domizio

Tony Di Domizio is the Managing Editor of NorthPennNow and PerkValleyNow, and a staff writer for WissNow. Tony graduated from Kutztown University and went on to serve as a reporter and editor for various news organizations, including Patch, The Reporter, and The Morning Call. He loves creative writing, action figure collecting & reselling, music, and films with Michael Keaton & Al Pacino.

Sunday, June 30, 2024


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