Worcester Township.
USA Today Network used census estimates and other reports to determine towns who saw significant growth as most counties see an exodus of population.
Worcester Township has been named as one of the 14 fastest growing towns in Pennsylvania as shown by trends in recent census estimates.
According to the Bucks County Courier Times, a December report from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania claimed most of the Commonwealth’s counties will decline in population between now and 2054.
Latest census figures released in March, per the report, shows the trend has begun, as 41 of 67 counties have saw drops in population numbers between 2022 and 2023.
According to a report compiled by USA Today Network, Worcester Township grew by 7.63% from 2020 to 2023, or 10,317 residents to 11,104 residents.
The data from the census estimates showed population changes from 2020 through 2023 for more than 2,500 municipalities.
USA Today Network attributed town population growth to citizens moving out of urban areas to more rural locations. Per the report, as the Baby Boomer generation gets older and begins dying off, fears of strains on housing, health care, transportation and education will become more prevalent.